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I A.M. Archangel Michael and I come through today, to talk about something very dear to me. This Message is not, however, directed at the Masses, even though any Soul has the Right and Ways to help with the Ascensions Symptoms and general spiritual Healing. I am here today to speak directly to these Souls, who perform spiritual Work in any way, publish for other Souls to read spiritual Work, Messages even or Statements.
Many of you, get at times pulled into "swimming with the Flow" and don't try to stay YOURSELF. Sometimes, indeed, merging with another Being can be a wonderful Lesson. But it can also be very dangerous.
Of course, when I say "Dangerous", I am not talking about Fear Emotions at all. Dangerous can mean, a disadvantage, a blockage, a risk, a destructive Force, from which you have to heal for a longer Time than you would think. It's about spiritual Intelligence, and learning, how to use your Skills in the highest best Ways possible.
The Light Beings of higher Realms, like for example us Archangels, do not KNOW any Fears. Sometimes, my Language can seem harsh to some of you, while in the 3rd to 4th Dimensions or lower. Truth can literally hurt in HEALING WAYS often. First comes the Pain, then the Release, and then the Healing is complete. This is how it works. Nature was made that way and LIVES that way.
This Message, however, is as mentioned, not for the Masses. It is a direct Message to the Ones, who have or don't have spiritual Abilities and PERFORM work with it. If you have any difficulty understanding what I am about to say, please take my Advise and LET IT BE. Maybe then, it is not FOR YOU, at least in the current Life Form.
You know very well, how it is to have physical Pains. If you fall and hurt your Arm, you will feel it. Sometimes a short time, sometimes Days. But finally, what you feel, is a SUPERFICIAL pain on the surface as your Skin, or maybe some dark Spots from the falling onto your Arm. That heals actually quite fast usually, and even if small Injuries as in this Example, do not heal fast, the PAIN is short term. Then again, your Body isn't meant to be used forever anyways, you got other eternal Bodies.
When it comes to SPIRITUAL PAIN though, it's a little more serious. There have been many important Souls, who walked the Planet before you, which I had to watch over in exhausting Ways. Often, I had to come and battle dark Spirits, trying to "take over" the just freshly passed Soul, because it's special Light.
I am speaking to you now, like a friend who trusts you. As if I was a human Being like you, with feelings and needs. This helps for you, to understand me easier and open your Heart. If you try to perform spiritual Work, you will automatically become like a "Friend" to us and all higher-Light Beings.
What I don't like to see, is when you try to perform selfless loving Work for others, and get attacked. We are in crucial Times, and I really don't like to see any Tears of Innocents or Sadness. We all feel a big amount of Compassion, whenever we see anyone cry out of an Action or Word by another, when they ought to focus on THEIR WORK.
In my last Message, I said clearly, that it will be the last Message for 2012. Still, many, too many for it to be real or logical, speak in our Name, even after I said clearly to not do this.
In this Issue, it's not about "Punishment", nor about "Exclusion" nor about "Inequality". The problem is not, when someone does anything, which influenced only them, that is all allowed. Mistakes ARE allowed, when it comes to YOURSELF.
It is and was never allowed though, to pick by your SOLE FREE WILL, to use my Name or another Soul's Name, which did not CONNECT by free Will to let you know, they wish for exactly that. I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, and I have my own Team. I am here, to help and protect the Innocent, the Planet itself, and I UPHOLD GOD'S LAWS, and never hesitate to battle, and - I ALWAYS "WIN", to use your Human Language.
GOD always "WINS". In fact, God has already won before you even start playing the Game.
I am taking direct Orders from THE GOD that is being spoken about so much on Earth. When I say, that you are always attached to CARRYING AUTOMATICALLY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ACTION, WORD OR THOUGHT/EMOTION, then you can rely on it. I am one of the Archangels, which MAKES SURE, that no Soul flees from confronting their own Creations. I am the Archangel, which literally ENFORCES THESE ABOVE EXPLAINED LAWS.
Please, think twice, before burdening your Soul by abusing THE WORD. We are in sensitive Times, and there are many sweet Souls in your World, who could become your Friend. Treating another gently, means that you TREAT YOURSELF GENTLY!
Loving another, means that you love yourself. Being honest to others, reflects your own inner Honesty toward yourself. Being jealous of another, means that you feel "small" and need to appreciate yourself the way you are naturally.
Speaking in my Name and causing a tiny Drop of "negative, unplanned Manifestation" for even one single other Soul, using my Name, you carry karmic Energies, that are simply not made to be carried by Human Souls living in a limited physical Body. There is a reason why you don't call Archangels Humans like you call yourself "Humans". My work includes not only your Planet, but many other Worlds and Dimensions, from the Top, to the very Bottom of the Abyss, when I make sure that Souls who belong there, walk there and do not flee.
Interfering in such highly divine, multidimensional Work of an Archangel, or another highly ascended Soul/Being of Light, is a WEIGHT OF karmic Responsibility you will not be able to carry. We cannot contradict our own Nature and the very Reason we exist.
If we go to help Person X, and Person Y comes in to tell Person X, that we DON'T COME TO HELP Person X, then Person Y must carry the Burden of Creation, may that be a dark Night in which Person X worried and feared and felt unworthy or even longer or more. If it comes to HISTORY and our very Arrangement of all spiritual Dimensions, the Truth behind what all around you is, when it comes to public Platforms and MILLIONS of Souls, imagine yourself, by pure "mathematical" Logic, how heavy the Burden of Creation would THEN be, if one Person Y interferes unasked, in the above explained Ways, when we come to help MILLIONS OF SOULS.
It is an extraordinary Time, which will be long remembered and valued. It is very crucial, that you LISTEN correctly to us, or even make sure first, that you have been REALLY given a strong Skill which HELPS others. Don't let anyone pull you into this "modern Spirituality", Teachings, channeled Messages or Books, who are only the Result actually of mostly dark Souls trying to PROFIT OFF OF YOUR AWAKENING and increasing interest IN ALL SPIRITUAL. Even Entertainment "switched" their Style, to appeal to these special SPIRITUAL Times.
These methods, of editing the Truth, manipulating Truth and using particular Names to give it Attention and make it "look" credible, are the EXACT METHODS who were used to cause THE FALL in Dimensions in the first Place. You all have a Mind, a Spirit, within. Your thoughts influence Matter around you. This is why, these few dark-oriented Souls have used YOU, to attack YOU, in the Past. By attacking your very BELIEF, your FAITH, you enable their Darkness to come into your Life, Soul and even Body. If a Person thinks absolutely clear, absolutely strong and clean, you CANNOT do ANY THING to this Soul, the Soul is always to strong for you.
That is why, for weaker, lower vibrating Dark Energy and the to it attached Souls who chose this by free Will, must LIE to you, to make YOU BELIEVE in them.
Always keep that in Mind, when you are thinking of "channeling Messages" or give a direct, physically touching Energy Healing Session to a client, or perform any spiritual Work, in which ANOTHER IS INCLUDED. If you "channel Messages" by me, and write into your Diary, you have ZERO CONSEQUENCES.
I hope I could use the limited, human Words to describe the Logic behind the Energetic Process best, so you can really understand how it functions. Please keep your Souls clean, and if you are unsure, step back and DO NOT SPEAK TO OTHER SOULS about Spirituality or even their Soul. If you attack any of my beloved Souls, working in my Team, you can prepare yourself for a Battle with Archangel Michael. I am not human and do not worry, HOW you think about me, if you don't have Love and Respect inside your Soul for another Soul. I am a Warrior, THE strongest in Existence, and I battle exactly THAT. If you tell others, that I do not battle for helping them, I come to you so fast and finish my Job, that it might take you in a physical Dimension YEARS to see the Result manifesting from your Soul. I demand that you stop attacking innocent Souls, NOW.
A little fun picture to lighten up the mood...
I am not very subliminal, and if I really connect with you, you will KNOW FOR SURE, that it is me. I do not come via thoughts only, I come in much stronger and you can see me, hear me, and feel/see BLUE FIRY LIGHT around me or yourself as well. Other Beings might come in more "invisible", like a common daily intuitive Thought. And other Beings, who are being spoken about, DO NOT EVEN EXIST IN HIGHER REALMS. Fantasy Names, and fantasy Stories are being spread at the Moment a lot, not only and always on purpose for dark reasons, sometimes it's also due to the chaotic, changing energies in 2012. All that, we see and know always, a Mistake done without Awareness is NO MISTAKE. Try to take some Years, do serious Training of your Skills, strengthen your Bond with us first. Write, advisable a couple Years, into your Diary about all you sense or think it is coming through you. Don't just go out, or let anyone command you, to blindly perform "spiritual Work" which influences others, in un- spiritual Approaches.
Take my Words to Heart and Soul. Care about your own Soul. You are beloved and special, each of you. You don't have to be "like others", who might simply be "older Souls", or higher Beings. There is no need for spiritual Comparison and Competition, between Souls, who want to do SERVICE, selflessly, for others and the Planet. Whenever someone goes out of their way to focus on YOU, be sure this Soul is NOT doing Service selflessly for others. It's not in the Nature of a well-meaning Heart.
Always remember to ask me, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, or ARCHANGEL METATRON, ARCHANGEL GABRIEL or any Archangels you feel close to, to shield your Aura with BRIGHT HEAVENLY LIGHT, when you perform your spiritual Work. We are here for you, and available to gladly assist you, answer Questions or take an Attacker away from you and your Energy Field. Together, we are creating a wonderful and very lovely New Earth.
Try to see it as an Art, a rare Skill in the past, which now becomes more and more common Skill. We are at the moment, harmonizing all the Planet and it's Inhabitants parallel. The Well-Being of THE WHOLE, is what our Focus is.
One last Note: I AM NOT AVAILABLE for "channeling" Messages in my Name any more in 2012, as I explained in my last Message. It's about PERSONAL CONNECTION now, and I want you all to focus on directly connecting with me, or when another needs help, help them by explaining that they must ask BY FREE WILL for any ARCHANGEL to help them directly. Any public, mass Message is NOT NECESSARY anymore. I do not need ANOTHER human Being, to connect TO YOUR SOUL. I A.M. ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.
I hope to see you at the Celebration of the End of Duality soon,
This Text can be shared and distributed with Credit to Susan Elsa & Archangel Michael for the channeled Work.
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