Sunday, March 10, 2013

THE SPIRITUAL SIDE OF ROCK & ROLL: Elvis' Message from Heaven (Amazon Book)

Archangel Michael Jackson: Wedding with Twin His Soul in Spring 2010

August 2nd 2012:

THE SPIRITUAL SIDE OF ROCK & ROLL - Elvis' Message from Heaven
(Book by Susan Elsa/ CD, Animation Film COMING SOON!)

The first Motion Picture to be directed by Susan Elsa & Michael Jackson in a unique Spiritual Partnership!
Stay very tuned, we are hunting the Film Budget to turn the Script into Reality for you!

Original Promo Link for Book Announcement:  1st Dec 2010 

SlideShare Announcement Elvis Ghost Book Dec 2010 (Link) 

Elvis about HEAVEN- Channeled Message 12th November 2011:


Elvis about Heaven

Good Day! This is Elvis speaking!

Once more I come back to you all, to let you know, I am well, I arrived in Heaven, I feel whole and complete.

As many of my still devoted and loyal “Fans” might already guess and others might sense, I am now part of the Healing process of Planet Earth. Long I have waited for this moment, I dreamed all my Life that the World would change some fine Day, and endured a lot of Heartache on my Journey, until I got really tired of waiting and of how things were going on Earth, let me tell you!

Also, I have really deeply and passionately longed for the Spiritual, Visions from God and all that makes a Soul feel alive. I wasn’t aware as I was in my physical Body, that I do have the spiritual Abilities I always dreamed about already, but now that I am here and have an absolutely free Sight on things, I see, that my Feeling about the World changing sometime after my physical Death was a real Vision of the Future!

This was a great Help and Hope for my Soul, for I had difficulty letting go of my physical Existence on Earth for a long time, mainly because of my dear Daughter, which I love very much and did not want to leave alone. But this is private and personal, and I do not want to talk publicly much about my Family. In time, we all will find back together again.

There are a number of People who spend their time on Earth focusing on me, instead of on themselves. Some, as some of you might know, have disappointed me in Life often, and contributed to the Pain I had to endure by using my Name to reach Fame, Attention and make Cash. I had to go through much more than you all ever knew, and always did my Best to stay strong and functioning. Many things which have been said about me, are not true, and so the best Advise to summarize here I can give, is to not listen to any Word said about me, but to listen and make your Opinion about me directly through your own Intuition and Heart, when listening to my Music. There you get to know my SOUL, pure and simple.

I never gave up my Faith in God. God is the One which helped me throughout all Journeys my Soul traveled, and I have to mention, that in general a Performer, an Entertainer, is born like that. It is God, which gives “Talent” to Souls, to communicate spiritually with others, to touch their Heart and Soul and remind them of God and Love.

I always felt that…that Light, when I sang. This is why I prayed before each concert to God, to give me some Light. As dark as the Planet was, especially back in my time spiritually, Light has always been something good, I never cared to be like “others”, I have always been MYSELF.

After I passed, it wasn’t like I thought it would be. I could still see and hear all of you, even more than before! I was not bound to gravity anymore, nor did I have to walk to places, but could think of them and suddenly be there. So I used these new gifts, as I perceived them at that moment, to try being there for all I love, and watch over them, trying to influence matter to help and guide a little bit.

I am glad to have found a great Channel, that understands me and is like a dear, dear friend to me, to voice my Opinion from beyond, so I can assist and help even better, for I deeply care to be doing as much as I can for God, for People and the Planet in general, it is like being in a white-light Brotherhood, a big historic Mission to improve the Earth and bring it closer to Heaven and I am having lots of Fun being part of this great Mission.

In Heaven, things are quite different, which I came to experience and see not too long ago in Earth time. After I finally was able to let go of my earthly Life as Elvis, I walked through the Gates of Heaven right into my Mother’s arms. This was the happiest Moment imaginable, for I felt like I have LIFE back, I am alive again, and all is well. Let me tell you, if you can trust anyone, then it is God!

Heaven is endless and limitless, there are so many Trees and Fruits, in shapes and colors I never seen on Earth. Many, many Souls reside here and it is impossible to see any End or Border of Heaven, once you are there, it is like everything you know, see, experience, is Heaven, even when you communicate with Souls on Earth, you can freely do so with the correctly hearing Channels directly from Heaven, almost like there is no distance at all.

But Souls in Heaven are never alone, like we know it from Earth. You never find yourself sitting in some lonely Corner and not having anyone to talk to, or feel isolated. Instead, as soon as you think of someone, you are immediately with this someone, or if that someone is still living on Earth, you get connected right away. Besides that, I have found my true Love as well, my very own and personal Woman of my Dreams, and we are absolutely happy, living in a higher Life form in Heaven. When you arrive here as well, I will invite you all to a big Celebration of Love and Fun, and you will get to see my Wife, Elvis’ Mate of the Soul.
I will continue to explain more in a next Message. I am not a man of many words, but rather of a few honest ones.

In my case, I cannot be contacted easily by others than the ones God permitted contact with, to help the Planet. I am not here to help with individual issues or complications, but I am solely here to share with you my Experience to be an additional Light to guide the Way to Heaven. We can all learn from each other and get richer spiritually, if we learn to be friendly with each other and be there for each other.



This Text can be distributed with Credit to IsIs-Susan Elsa & Elvis for the channeled Work.

Picture for Educational Purposes: Elvis Presley in front of MIRROR

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Susan Elsa TV INTERVIEW 2009 (ABC TV)- Out of Body Experiences

 Dear World

This Link below goes directly to the official Website of ABC TV Australia and Susan's Interview with their famous Science Show "Catalyst" about Out-of-Body Experiences

Susan Elsa TV INTERVIEW 2009- ABC TV Australia's "Catalyst" Science Show

Interview filmed:                          November 2009
Interview aired on ABC TV:        February 2010

                                           Unique Spiritual Twin Soul Pop Art by Susan Elsa  ©

Switzerland has a proud scientific history. It boasts the largest number of Noble Prizes in the world, per head of population…Albert Einstein did his PhD here in Zurich. But I’ve come to find out about…out-of-body experiences!

 -Graham Philips, Host of ABC TV's Catalyst Science Show-

In a personal Interview at the beginning with Camera's off, deciding what is going to be filmed of Susan's unique experiences, she told Mr. Graham Philips and the Filming Crew about her premonitions and dreams she had of future events. To be specific, she claimed to have dreamed exact details of Michael Jackson's nearing death!

Original Link:

For Educational Purposes only and scientific research and discussions, here are the original comments from viewers of the TV Show aired:   (Courtesy of ABC TV Australia and CATALYST)

Text Copy from:


Comments for this story are closed. No new comments can be added.


I've learned how to have OBEs thru concentration. It is just a matter of learning how to fall asleep while staying conscious of the sleep process. But I could not tell if it was my imagination or if it was real until I was able to prove it to myself. One time while out of my body, I went into the living room where my parents were staying and examined in details what it is they were doing. My dad was sitting at a desk working on his computer, and I was astonished at the clothes he was wearing, as these were clothes I thought had been thrown away a long time ago. (I'm 33 yo - I had not seen the clothes he was wearing since the age of 12 or so..!). I then looked at my mother, and lo and behold, while I saw her physical body asleep, I also saw her "astral" body. She was talking to whatever her mind was projecting in front of her. Her astral body did not interest me much. I was more looking at her physical body, as I wanted to be able to recall exactly how she was. She had her arm in a funny position, almost un-natural, and her hair was sticking out at an angle, and the blanket was stuck under her chin. I looked again at my dad, exactly how he was, looked one more time at my mom's astral body, and floated back inside my body. Once back in the physical, I was excited but also scared to open the door to my living room. Not knowing what I would find on the other side. As I walked in, my dad turned to me, WEARING THE CLOTHES I had seen him wear in the astral. I was absolutely speechless. He was at the desk, working on his computer.. In the exact same position. He only said, shhh - your mum is sleeping, do not make any noise. I turned to the other side of the living room, only to find my mom with HER ARM in that SAME awkward position, HER HAIR sticking out exactly as I had seen it, and the blanket under her chin. Of course, I could not see her astral body, but I knew where it was..
Now, this is my story. I know it to be true because I have experienced it. It does not matter to me if people believe me or not, I know it to be true.

Out-of-body experiences ARE REAL. But to know it, you must have one, and then be able to prove it to yourself.

I would never try to prove it to someone else. Because I could not - no matter what I say I saw, people would try to explain it so that they don't have to face the fact that there is so much that we don't know.

I am a scientist - molecular biology. And everything I study, everything I see is a proof to me of intelligent design.

In ancient times, the scientists were some types of priests because they understood that to understand Life, we also need to understand the spiritual.

Nowadays, scientists feel they must be atheists to be good at what they do.. Not realizing how much more they miss by discarding the spiritual side of life: such as intuition (how many discoveries happened because of that!?! And how do you explain intuition if not by explaining we


Contrary to what is believed today I think there is much more than just this physical world. Anyone who's had a real out of body experience will have felt that it is not something that just happens in the mind. With the right techniques this is something you can verify yourself. The scientists in this video are playing tricks on the physical brain and theorize that this must be what Out of body experiences are, but they're not.
I would advise everyone who is interested in this to research this for yourself, through practice.


I had a motorcycle accident years ago and suffered a Brachial Plexus injury to my (R)arm and suffer quite badly from phantom pain.
I have seen documented and demonstrated that a mirror box with your good hand mirrored in place of your bad hand can be a total but temporary relief for the phantom pain and in fact give you the sensation of movement in your bad hand.
This research explains that phenomenon to me more than I have ever seen it explained.
I think that as a spin off to the research that is being done the scientists ought to keep this phenomenon in mind in relation to nerve damaged patients.




Great ... psychology squeezing the very last specks of magic from the world.

Shame they are not researching something more important like MS or Parkinsons or alzheimer's! Waste of space.


All these so-called out-of-body experiments show is that the brain can be induced to misinterpret sensory input.
Having had an out-of-body experience- it seems to me quite different-I didn't feel my body, just watched it from above.


When a scientist replicates a spiritual experience using science they automatically believe that it disproves the spirtual experience. - see James Randi.
It doesn't.
They have just proved they can replicate it but haven't actually disproved anything!


Whilst this report on OBE's might have given a possible explanation for some types of so called "out-of-body experiences" in my opinion and experience there is far more to it as one guest suggested.

There is a whole spiritual side to it which science cannot measure because the only things science can measure and observe is physical external things. Whereas the key to fundamentally understanding obe's is through practice of an internal science.

Every human being has an obe every time their physical body falls asleep. Usually though we are completely unaware of the process, we go through it unconsciously and have unconscious dreams instead of seeing where we really are. Scientists studying someone having an obe will only see someone who is asleep, they cannot know what is happening internally.

However it is possible to train ourselves to fall asleep consciously and be aware of the whole process. I and many others have done this and experienced it many times. You know through having the experience yourself that it is not a mere illusion. Any scientist that wants to study obe's should do so through experiencing it themselves. There are courses and books available that teach how to do it.

The dimensions of space and time are known to science. Science also postulates in quantum physics the likelyhood of there being a fifth dimension due to the way that some sub-atomic particles behave, they appear to be operating under different laws of physics. It is this fifth dimension where obes and near death experiences take place. It is also the same place we go to everynight when we fall asleep and dream or if you are doing it consciously it is also refered to as astral projection or astral travel which is just another way of saying out-of-body experience.

Have you ever been lying in bed thinking whilst waiting to fall asleep and then all of a sudden you get a short but intense falling feeling and your body jolts? That is your astral body entering back into the physical body. The moment before you (your consciousness) were in the astral plane with your physical body asleep but you didn't realise it.

Obes are natural and safe, we do it every night already except unconsciously, but it is far better to be conscious of what is going on. Then we can use it to our advantage and that is really what it is for. It is a tool for our spiritual evolution which I think is an essential part of human evolution but scientists don't get anywhere near knowing it unless they practice it for themselves.
    Ahh, but scientists can prove that it is an entirely mental process through one simple experiment... people claiming to have an out of body experience have never been able to tell researchers what was on a high shelf in the very same room afterwards.

    Besides that, every single symptom and physical effect can be explained and replicated through various processes, as well as the experience on the whole.

    If your claim is based purely on this "other dimension" that you speak of (which is NOT the extra dimensions that quantum physics refers to... though, some knowledge of quantum physics is necessary to realize why that's obvious)

    Now, there is wiggling room in the claim that this process is spiritual in a sense that cannot be in any way measure through experiment. In that case, however, that means that there cannot be any evidence of it... especially since all of the symptoms of it can be replicated and explained through entirely physical means.

    In that case, the burden of proof lies of the people making the claim. That is, if I claim there is a magic teapot that grants wishes in orbit around jupiter, but it cannot be observed through any physical means (except that I KNOW it's there)... you are in no way expected to believe that teapot is there. So... you claim there is some sort of special, spiritual component to this physical phenomenon, yet you have absolutely no evidence to support your claim except that you KNOW it to be so.

    Therefore, don't be surprised when people tell you to take your crackpot teapot ideas somewhere else.
      uh, i think David was implying that if someone told you about this magical teapot, your best bet is to find a method of proving or disproving for yourself such as is in the suggestion that scientists interested in OBEs actually learn to experience them and study that experience, rather than studying others who, quite rightly pointed out, only appear to be sleeping.

      If you told me about this wish granting magic teapot in orbit around Jupiter and it really was something of interest to me, I would sincerely ask you for some method in which I could verify that rather than relying on the claim that "if I can't see it, it does not exist". If, however, I were not interested in such a teapot then that claim would suffice to end such discussion. If ending the debate on the existence of magical teapots were my primary interest then I would not only rely on that claim, but I would throw every method of scientific investigation known to me at the postulation of the existence of this teapot in order to achieve my goal of ending the debate.

      In this case David states there is a method for science to legitimately study OBEs, yet all I see in this show is the attempt to discredit the experience via a scientific method, which incidentally begins with the hypothesis that OBEs are tricks of the brain resulting in a realistic illusion, therefore condemning the subject to closure before a thorough investigation has even taken place.

      If someone told me of a magical teapot I might be more inclined to ask "how do you know this? how can I get one? what must I do?" rather than tell the person to go walking.

      After all, a wish granted is a pretty wonderful thing and if someone stated you could have that all the time, would you not be at least a little inclined to inquire?

Has intersting impliccations for training a robot to be a replicon (simulon) of a human, becuase it implies that a human can learn to be empathetic to his/her replicon.


Really enjoyed the show. I began having OBE at about 15 and could call them up almost at will. First, it was only in a particular chair as the family was watching TV. After that I began to experiment and found it could clear my mind and focus in a particular way to begin the experience. As I got older I began to 'refuse' to allow myself to 'go there'.

But, I've just had a try, and it still works.


Thank you for the interesting segment on OBEs. I have a couple of comments to make on the assumptions that Dr Phillips appears to be making about these. First, he appears to suggest that there is no question of a truly scientific explanation having recourse to anything like non-physical souls. I hate to be contrary, but I would like to suggest that this is not so - if the data takes us strongly enough in that direction, souls it is! We are otherwise being dogmatic materialists, and very unscientific. Secondly, there is no mention that there have been numerous careful parapsychological studies done on OBEs which have shown that people frequently learn facts during an OBE that would be very difficult or impossible for then to know on the assumption that it is a pure hallucination. This awkward fact would tend to make it hard to argue that all OBEs are just the brain tricking us! Susan is right to defend her experience - nothing a brain researcher can show us can explain our experience away!
    Agreed Keith (while parking any semantics to be had around the term 'soul'). The fascinating story did a fine job albeit incomplete due to the gaping blind spot you've identified.

    As covered in an ABC 'Catalyst' episode some years ago, there is strong anecdotal evidence that 3rd person perspective inputs (such as seeing what precise tools a surgeon is using in the operating theatre) can form a component of a subject's near death visualisations. The Catalyst program went on to report a hypothesis based on quantum theory... It might be that the scientifically elusive 'self' is formed in some way by quantum computational stuff that in the way of things quantum can have an ambiguous location a la the Heisenberg Principle (being the very same phenomena by which lasers have been successfully teleported in the lab).

    Dr Sam Parnia at the University of Southampton is currently conducting a verifiable study of 'what is being seen' during near death experiences. Perhaps the results due in 2011 will be worth Catalyst's attention in the name of a more thorough reporting.

I enjoyed the episode in which you were able to enlighten us into scientific explanations of OBE experiences,

which I saw on the Catalyst Program.

I have been having OBE's for many years, the first being in 1989.

I fully understand that when I have tactile hallucinations that my physical body is actually in motion,

creating the 'illusion' that the movement is actually taking place in my out of body.

It was great to see this confirmed with your research!

I am hoping you may be able to enlighten me on two things.

The first, whilst bizarre, may have the simplest explanation, and the second is a little more complex.


Toward the end of one OBE I experienced last year I found myself, seemingly prematurely, awaken from the experience.

I was not sure if I was back in my body, because I was conscious, my eyes were open, I couldn't move my head,

but I could see clearly around my room.

I felt paralysed, except for my arms, and being able to have eye movement. 

(incidentally, a nuerologist diagnosed me in 1990 as having sleep paralysis)

To assure myself that my OBE had finished I waved my arms in front of my face.

I was in absolute shock to experience that whilst I was waving my arms in front of my face, I could not see them,

yet everything alse was clear. I repeated this about 3 times to no avail.

I felt I was in limbo, experiencing a kind of death.

I panicked, and closed my eyes and tried to relax, and eventually was back to normal.

It was a frightening experience like I had no arms, and the waving were from phantom limbs.
What explanation could you subscribe to this?
Secondly, on a number of occassions I have experienced an OBE without leaving my body.
My functioning 'out of body', is still within my body.
The above (1) is perhaps some type of example of this. Similar, however, not the same.
In these instances I recieve an incredible energy from within my brain, that is transferred to my hands.

My hands feel an incredibly amount of what seems powerful magnetic energy.
In these circumstances I am able to manoevere my hands 'out of body hands' (my actual hands are motionless)

Using my discretion I move them about one inch above my skin to a position which I gain most control.

Kind of like using the controls of a Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator (T.E.N.S unit)

If I move them too fast, they become painful, and if they are too close to the skin, they lose energy.

I then manoevere them over my body and the magnetic energy seems optimum.
I have on the odd occass


The 'out of body' perception in trauma is used within healing meditation processes (similar to Mindfulness meditation but with different emphasis).

Patiently focussing on the 'out of body image' and using your sensory awarenesss to explore the panic and other emotional and sensory reactions will allow them to settle in many cases. Then the conscious awareness seems to be able to reorganise and can be perceived to move back into the body (so you look out of your own eyes).

This way of meditatively processing the event can result in experiencing a sense of release or 'healing'. People tend to then feel significantly better about the incident. Negative symptoms associated with the experience will tend to dissapate.


Can I remind readers that personal anecdotes do not constitute evidence of OBEs. Otherwise my magical OBE sandals would be worth millions on ebay.

Archangel Michael about SPIRITUAL WORK

Published online via  on 6th May 2012

                                                    Twin Soul Spiritual PopArt   © Copyrighted

Dear beloved spiritual Helpers

I A.M. Archangel Michael and I come through today, to talk about something very dear to me. This Message is not, however, directed at the Masses, even though any Soul has the Right and Ways to help with the Ascensions Symptoms and general spiritual Healing. I am here today to speak directly to these Souls, who perform spiritual Work in any way, publish for other Souls to read spiritual Work, Messages even or Statements.

Many of you, get at times pulled into "swimming with the Flow" and don't try to stay YOURSELF. Sometimes, indeed, merging with another Being can be a wonderful Lesson. But it can also be very dangerous.

Of course, when I say "Dangerous", I am not talking about Fear Emotions at all. Dangerous can mean, a disadvantage, a blockage, a risk, a destructive Force, from which you have to heal for a longer Time than you would think. It's about spiritual Intelligence, and learning, how to use your Skills in the highest best Ways possible.

The Light Beings of higher Realms, like for example us Archangels, do not KNOW any Fears. Sometimes, my Language can seem harsh to some of you, while in the 3rd to 4th Dimensions or lower. Truth can literally hurt in HEALING WAYS often. First comes the Pain, then the Release, and then the Healing is complete. This is how it works. Nature was made that way and LIVES that way.

This Message, however, is as mentioned, not for the Masses. It is a direct Message to the Ones, who have or don't have spiritual Abilities and PERFORM work with it. If you have any difficulty understanding what I am about to say, please take my Advise and LET IT BE. Maybe then, it is not FOR YOU, at least in the current Life Form.

You know very well, how it is to have physical Pains. If you fall and hurt your Arm, you will feel it. Sometimes a short time, sometimes Days. But finally, what you feel, is a SUPERFICIAL pain on the surface as your Skin, or maybe some dark Spots from the falling onto your Arm. That heals actually quite fast usually, and even if small Injuries as in this Example, do not heal fast, the PAIN is short term. Then again, your Body isn't meant to be used forever anyways, you got other eternal Bodies.

When it comes to SPIRITUAL PAIN though, it's a little more serious. There have been many important Souls, who walked the Planet before you, which I had to watch over in exhausting Ways. Often, I had to come and battle dark Spirits, trying to "take over" the just freshly passed Soul, because it's special Light.

I am speaking to you now, like a friend who trusts you. As if I was a human Being like you, with feelings and needs. This helps for you, to understand me easier and open your Heart. If you try to perform spiritual Work, you will automatically become like a "Friend" to us and all higher-Light Beings.

What I don't like to see, is when you try to perform selfless loving Work for others, and get attacked. We are in crucial Times, and I really don't like to see any Tears of Innocents or Sadness. We all feel a big amount of Compassion, whenever we see anyone cry out of an Action or Word by another, when they ought to focus on THEIR WORK.

In my last Message, I said clearly, that it will be the last Message for 2012. Still, many, too many for it to be real or logical, speak in our Name, even after I said clearly to not do this.

In this Issue, it's not about "Punishment", nor about "Exclusion" nor about "Inequality". The problem is not, when someone does anything, which influenced only them, that is all allowed. Mistakes ARE allowed, when it comes to YOURSELF.

It is and was never allowed though, to pick by your SOLE FREE WILL, to use my Name or another Soul's Name, which did not CONNECT by free Will to let you know, they wish for exactly that. I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, and I have my own Team. I am here, to help and protect the Innocent, the Planet itself, and I UPHOLD GOD'S LAWS, and never hesitate to battle, and - I ALWAYS "WIN", to use your Human Language.

GOD always "WINS". In fact, God has already won before you even start playing the Game.

I am taking direct Orders from THE GOD that is being spoken about so much on Earth. When I say, that you are always attached to CARRYING AUTOMATICALLY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ACTION, WORD OR THOUGHT/EMOTION, then you can rely on it. I am one of the Archangels, which MAKES SURE, that no Soul flees from confronting their own Creations. I am the Archangel, which literally ENFORCES THESE ABOVE EXPLAINED LAWS.

Please, think twice, before burdening your Soul by abusing THE WORD. We are in sensitive Times, and there are many sweet Souls in your World, who could become your Friend. Treating another gently, means that you TREAT YOURSELF GENTLY!

Loving another, means that you love yourself. Being honest to others, reflects your own inner Honesty toward yourself. Being jealous of another, means that you feel "small" and need to appreciate yourself the way you are naturally.

Speaking in my Name and causing a tiny Drop of "negative, unplanned Manifestation" for even one single other Soul, using my Name, you carry karmic Energies, that are simply not made to be carried by Human Souls living in a limited physical Body. There is a reason why you don't call Archangels Humans like you call yourself "Humans". My work includes not only your Planet, but many other Worlds and Dimensions, from the Top, to the very Bottom of the Abyss, when I make sure that Souls who belong there, walk there and do not flee.

Interfering in such highly divine, multidimensional Work of an Archangel, or another highly ascended Soul/Being of Light, is a WEIGHT OF karmic Responsibility you will not be able to carry. We cannot contradict our own Nature and the very Reason we exist.

If we go to help Person X, and Person Y comes in to tell Person X, that we DON'T COME TO HELP Person X, then Person Y must carry the Burden of Creation, may that be a dark Night in which Person X worried and feared and felt unworthy or even longer or more. If it comes to HISTORY and our very Arrangement of all spiritual Dimensions, the Truth behind what all around you is, when it comes to public Platforms and MILLIONS of Souls, imagine yourself, by pure "mathematical" Logic, how heavy the Burden of Creation would THEN be, if one Person Y interferes unasked, in the above explained Ways, when we come to help MILLIONS OF SOULS.

It is an extraordinary Time, which will be long remembered and valued. It is very crucial, that you LISTEN correctly to us, or even make sure first, that you have been REALLY given a strong Skill which HELPS others. Don't let anyone pull you into this "modern Spirituality", Teachings, channeled Messages or Books, who are only the Result actually of mostly dark Souls trying to PROFIT OFF OF YOUR AWAKENING and increasing interest IN ALL SPIRITUAL. Even Entertainment "switched" their Style, to appeal to these special SPIRITUAL Times.

These methods, of editing the Truth, manipulating Truth and using particular Names to give it Attention and make it "look" credible, are the EXACT METHODS who were used to cause THE FALL in Dimensions in the first Place. You all have a Mind, a Spirit, within. Your thoughts influence Matter around you. This is why, these few dark-oriented Souls have used YOU, to attack YOU, in the Past. By attacking your very BELIEF, your FAITH, you enable their Darkness to come into your Life, Soul and even Body. If a Person thinks absolutely clear, absolutely strong and clean, you CANNOT do ANY THING to this Soul, the Soul is always to strong for you.

That is why, for weaker, lower vibrating Dark Energy and the to it attached Souls who chose this by free Will, must LIE to you, to make YOU BELIEVE in them.

Always keep that in Mind, when you are thinking of "channeling Messages" or give a direct, physically touching Energy Healing Session to a client, or perform any spiritual Work, in which ANOTHER IS INCLUDED. If you "channel Messages" by me, and write into your Diary, you have ZERO CONSEQUENCES.

I hope I could use the limited, human Words to describe the Logic behind the Energetic Process best, so you can really understand how it functions. Please keep your Souls clean, and if you are unsure, step back and DO NOT SPEAK TO OTHER SOULS about Spirituality or even their Soul. If you attack any of my beloved Souls, working in my Team, you can prepare yourself for a Battle with Archangel Michael. I am not human and do not worry, HOW you think about me, if you don't have Love and Respect inside your Soul for another Soul. I am a Warrior, THE strongest in Existence, and I battle exactly THAT. If you tell others, that I do not battle for helping them, I come to you so fast and finish my Job, that it might take you in a physical Dimension YEARS to see the Result manifesting from your Soul. I demand that you stop attacking innocent Souls, NOW.

              A little fun picture to lighten up the mood...

I am not very subliminal, and if I really connect with you, you will KNOW FOR SURE, that it is me. I do not come via thoughts only, I come in much stronger and you can see me, hear me, and feel/see BLUE FIRY LIGHT around me or yourself as well. Other Beings might come in more "invisible", like a common daily intuitive Thought. And other Beings, who are being spoken about, DO NOT EVEN EXIST IN HIGHER REALMS. Fantasy Names, and fantasy Stories are being spread at the Moment a lot, not only and always on purpose for dark reasons, sometimes it's also due to the chaotic, changing energies in 2012. All that, we see and know always, a Mistake done without Awareness is NO MISTAKE. Try to take some Years, do serious Training of your Skills, strengthen your Bond with us first. Write, advisable a couple Years, into your Diary about all you sense or think it is coming through you. Don't just go out, or let anyone command you, to blindly perform "spiritual Work" which influences others, in un- spiritual Approaches.

Take my Words to Heart and Soul. Care about your own Soul. You are beloved and special, each of you. You don't have to be "like others", who might simply be "older Souls", or higher Beings. There is no need for spiritual Comparison and Competition, between Souls, who want to do SERVICE, selflessly, for others and the Planet. Whenever someone goes out of their way to focus on YOU, be sure this Soul is NOT doing Service selflessly for others. It's not in the Nature of a well-meaning Heart.

Always remember to ask me, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, or ARCHANGEL METATRON, ARCHANGEL GABRIEL or any Archangels you feel close to, to shield your Aura with BRIGHT HEAVENLY LIGHT, when you perform your spiritual Work. We are here for you, and available to gladly assist you, answer Questions or take an Attacker away from you and your Energy Field. Together, we are creating a wonderful and very lovely New Earth.

Try to see it as an Art, a rare Skill in the past, which now becomes more and more common Skill. We are at the moment, harmonizing all the Planet and it's Inhabitants parallel. The Well-Being of THE WHOLE, is what our Focus is.

One last Note: I AM NOT AVAILABLE for "channeling" Messages in my Name any more in 2012, as I explained in my last Message. It's about PERSONAL CONNECTION now, and I want you all to focus on directly connecting with me, or when another needs help, help them by explaining that they must ask BY FREE WILL for any ARCHANGEL to help them directly. Any public, mass Message is NOT NECESSARY anymore. I do not need ANOTHER human Being, to connect TO YOUR SOUL. I A.M. ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.

I hope to see you at the Celebration of the End of Duality soon,


This Text can be shared and distributed with Credit to Susan Elsa & Archangel Michael for the channeled Work.

Archangel Michael about ACTIVATION OF SELF POWER

Published Online via  10th March 2012

                                                       Twin Soul Spiritual PopArt   © Copyrighted
Archangel Michael about Activation of Self-Power

Dear beloved Souls residing on the Earth Plane.

I A.M. Archangel Michael 777, and I come to you for a last Time in 2012 through a channeled Message.
Today, I care to speak of YOU. Every single Soul on the Earth Dimension, has and can have DIRECT Communications with us, the Archangels, or any other, beloved Light-Being from higher Dimensions, including your own Higher Self. DO NOT LET ANYONE TELL YOU OTHER!

In the dark Times, which are about to end, first energetically, then manifesting slowly into the physical, YOUR OWN POWER OVER YOURSELF, has been taken away by Lies and Manipulation from many of you, and even more WOMEN.

That means, that the few Ones, who designed these Strategies leading to the Dark Times, tried to find a way, to make you give your Power away, by free Will. It is not possible, for anyone, to take away any personal, inner Power from you except for, IF YOU ALLOW IT- by even just believing it is possible for them to “overpower” you. WHAT YOU THINK, BELIEVE, FOCUS ON, manifests.

The trick is, it does not need to be a conscious decision you can formulate with words and are absolutely aware of. Free Will is also part of your thoughts, you decide to go with, actions you then take, or can be influenced by your Sub-Consciousness. It is possible, to program your Mind, let us say, into Motivation for Sports, healing Depression by clearing Thoughts, and many more situations. But just as YOU can program your Mind, by repeated “styles” of thought, action- another can try to program your Mind against your Will- into Darkness, trying to lower you- it is an Issue inside of them- IGNORE THEM NOW AND LEAVE THEM UP TO GOD AND HIS ANGELS.

What you see in the Media in general, is a big and very wide-spread method of this programming of the Masses. It does re-program your Mind slowly, beginning from Childhood, through Films, Music, News and the way and style in which News are presented. Mostly, you see 70% to 90% NEGATIVE News about Murder, Rape, Death, Coupled breaking up, fighting, “famous” People competing with each other aggressively and Problems in general. This helped in the past the Souls who tended toward Darkness, to lower the Vibrations of the whole Planet. They attacked WOMEN and their Soul on Purpose, to round up the Plan- Women, Mothers- they are BRIDGES TO HEAVEN- that is why Women are the Ones getting pregnant- bringing new Souls from above down to the Earth Dimension!

Individuals who have a strong Mind would from the Start see through these Lies and are “resistant” to Manipulation of their Will or Perspective on Life and Beyond Life. Some of you call them Indigo Children, Chrystal Children, Old Souls, and much more, trying to stretch the Human Language to fit. Children, are born mostly in such a clean State of Mind, connected to their Higher Self and seeing clear with their Heart.
Over time, they “form” the Children, and “make them feel used” to seeing negative News, think in competitive Ways toward others and much more, which you can analyze for yourself, by taking a closer look at your World around you, with honest Eyes.

For all of this to work, they also took original Stories of REMARKABLE Human Beings, who lived on the Earth Plane, which were Examples of the Opposite of what they teach, and changed History to adjust it to their “Image of the World and Life” they wanted to project into your Mind. Even myself, Archangel Michael, they did not Respect my Truth and literally decided with full Awareness to challenge or battle me with Lies. Many of these Souls, were doing so, to get Wishes fulfilled by Lucifer, which they wanted to make “happy” by attacking his biggest Enemy- ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.

Many of these few dark Ones, and additional confused Souls, who were ordered, forced, directed by these few Dark Ones, did re-write Books, Stories, and even continue till this very Day, to spread wrong Information. Many anonymous Individuals, who claim to channel me, or any other Archangel, God or Enlightened Beings, especially on the Internet Platforms, are NOT REAL. Be careful to not give away your Power by free Will, by letting their polluted Messages infiltrate your Mind and Belief, or any low Vibration Attacks on your Energy. They are just desperate- for their old, “Ellbow” Power World they love so much, is crumbling.

I, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, and all of my dear fellow Archangels, NEVER NEEDED A HUMAN TO TEACH IN OUR NAME OR TEACH OTHERS. We are powerful enough, to come directly to ANY SOUL, alone and private, who calls on our Help and Assistance or wishes to have Question answered. There were Times, as explained above, where the Manipulation and Lies confused Souls on Earth so much, they FORGOT WE EXIST- yes, back then, we did try all Ways possible to “reach” you to be heard by you. But remember, it is 2012 – HEAVEN AND EARTH ARE APPROACHING AND THE DISTANCE IS LESS, Lucifer is ascending and changed by me, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, as you read in your History- the 4th Dimension and all “Spirits” stuck previously in it- is CLEARED AND the Flow is going again.
This is very important!

As the past Dark Rests of energies are being cleansed, within all of you, and all around you and your Dimensions, we will come closer and closer to each of you, and be able to show you even clearer than before, in Dreams, in inner Images, Thoughts and Feelings, Inspirations, who you are, or what could be the best, healthiest solution in any challenge or question you encounter on your adventurous journeys.
Many of these before mentioned REMARKABLE Human Beings that walked the Earth before, have been called “Gods” and “Goddesses” later on- it served the purpose to raise their Example so high onto a Pedestal, that YOU WOULD ALWAYS BELIEVE, YOU ARE LOWER, WORTH LESS, OR WEAKER in any way. This is the basic Lie which made naïve, innocent hearted Human Beings in the Past “worship” other Human Beings- that literally means, that you STOP your own Development into higher Power and Dimensions, sit down or kneel down even, in front of another Human Being just like you, and give them by free Will your Power and Focus, as well as Life Energy is the worst Case. You never needed another Human Being to BE POWERFUL. YOU ARE! Each of you, has this Door open now, to discover yourself and rise and rise in Beauty.

I myself, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, do not prefer any of you worshipping me as well, nor any of my dear, compassionate, fellow Archangels. I prefer you looking at me as a FRIEND, always there to help, when needed. At some point, the goal is always for the “Baby to walk by itself” and grow beautiful!

At this point, there have been many deceptive Messages put out, in writing and human words, which are very limited, that contradict themselves. It is an endless list of abuse of our Names, to disguise a Lie with a gold, shiny Cover, LOOKING AND SEEMING LIKE TRUTH- only because our Name is mentioned. Many sweet Souls, I personally assist right now, have been hurt and attacked, trying to be loyal to Truth. I am here to protect, and remember, you are not alone- ALL OF US BEINGS ON THE SIDE OF THE LIGHT HAVE BEEN LIED ABOUT AND DISRESPECTED- even God. Feel embraced by our Love and Compassion, everything will be fine and you will be compensated for any Pain inflicted by another out of their Free Will.

I would like to advise each of you, dear beloved Souls taking in this Message, to distance yourself now from other, fellow Human being’s BELIEFS and MESSAGES. It can be an inspiration, naturally, to feel enlightened, or get a new idea of meditation or learn about the higher Dimensions, IF YOU consume A REAL AND TRUTHFUL Message, Book or Advise, personal or non-personal. We have done so, through many wonderful Souls on Earth, as a “Push” of Motivation for your Development and Ascension. We have many Ways, to keep up Communications, besides Human WORDS.

But now, for the rest of 2012, the energies are shifting more and more toward your own Reactivation of YOUR INNER POWER and Soul- every single one of you has in their Body and Soul, in all of your Being, “Equipment” to directly receive any Message you need individually at the Time. Now, use and expand your new Energies and Abilities! Do not RELY on what other Human Beings like you are telling you to believe, and shield yourself by relaxing, spending Time in Nature regenerating your Energies and meditation, imagining a white, bright Light covering you and all your Aura, advisable every Day in the Morning and before you sleep. If you have difficulties at the beginning, sensing our answers clearly, or perceiving the communication clearly, in private by yourself, you can use “Angel Cards” to serve as a training at the start. Nothing more is needed. Pick in any Store the Cards that “resonate” the strongest with you, or pick simply by “Intuition of the Heart”. You can also make Cards yourself, name 7 Cards with each Archangel, add any other Being you like and resonate with, and chose keywords which are basic in Life, for the other Cards- again, use your Heart and let it lead your Designs. Decorate them, according to how YOU SEE THE WORLD and us, since every Human Being imagines us different. Some imagine me being a blonde Man, others see me having dark Hair- it helps to personify me and resonate with me, while you are in Human Form.
Angel Cards have been made by many beautiful Souls on Earth, which I personally inspired.

Again, be careful during these Times of great Changes.

I want to give you an example from your society, demonstrating what I am talking about:

In quite a few places on Earth, so-called “Psychics” became popular: They opened reading rooms, tv shows, and little counseling stores. Some of you have made the experience, that when going to such a “Psychic”, they give you unsatisfying answers, or even worse, tell you that you are “cursed” and “need their human help”, and ask you for more Money, or to come back. Some, ask over and over, until all your Money is gone- while your Issues or the Issues YOU THINK YOU HAVE based on believing them, remain the same.
Rare and beautiful examples of “Psychics” are the opposite: Some, make exactly ONE Session with you, and give you sometimes heavy answers, who touch your Core, you can feel at times even under shock, for real Skill is felt. Truth literally can hurt at first. This type of help or counseling, is not about telling you what you wish to hear, but the healing Truth. You go out of the Door, and have had realizations and do not need to go back and pay again and again. These Souls, work for the Light, and send you your Way with Inspiration, not more, not less- so you can find your own Power.

With all the Information Battle, which is intensifying now until Dec 2012, you have to learn how to RELY ON YOUR OWN INTUITION AND INNER GUIDANCE. I am here, always, to help. Faster than Light-Speed, I can be at your Side and uplift you and remove negative Energies, give you Hope for a challenging Situation and much, much more. Every One of you is individual, has different challenges and questions.
Always remember, that there is only ONE GOD ABOVE ALL CREATION, who created everything and every One- including us, the Archangels. Do not let anyone confuse you, to distract your Focus onto them- keep your Eyes on God’s Love and TRUST IN GOD. Always remember, how powerful God is, and that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. If you never seen , felt or heard an Angel before, trust me, IT IS POSSIBLE and will be easier and easier, the more the Change progresses. You will be amazed at how much you are able to do.

I love you with all my Heart and am excited with Joy, to see you develop and empower


This Text can be shared and distributed with Credit to Susan Elsa & Archangel Michael for the channeled Work.

Archangel Michael about PROTECTION- 25th February 2012

Dear beloved Souls

C.D. (Channeled Drawing) by Susan Elsa for THE SPIRITUAL SIDE OF ROCK & ROLL- Elvis'   Message from Heaven  (Book out since August 2012-available on amazon etc...)

I A.M. ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, and I come today with a Message, I personally deeply care about, as I care about all of you, your Well-Being and your Souls.

You are in great and chaotic Times, and it can be very soothing and helpful, to call on my PROTECTION now. You can imagine a blue Light Coat being gently put around your shoulders and covering all of your body, shielding you from any Dark Energies, attack or negativity from another. Many people are going through their own inner Issues, and some turn away from their own Mirror, so they can "distract" themselves with the Life of another. It is quite natural actually, this is how Human Nature works, when in low Vibrations and not honest to themselves.

Don't let anyone get you down by pulling you into their Energy, as a form of Companionship. They are seeking Love. But in wrong ways. Even for the highest well-meant Goal, YOU ARE NOT TO INTERFERE WITH FREE WILL.

This means, that even if you want Peace, Love and Compassion and live that way, you cannot force someone who decided to live with Fear, Anger and Competition to change, show Respect or anything that is considered NATURAL IN YOUR STATE OF MIND. The other dark minded Person, CANNOT FEEL NOR HEAR YOU- that is the trap in how the dark Energies work.

It is important for all Souls now, to focus on Light and raising their Vibrations to higher Dimensions. There is simply not much Time left, to take Advantage of the wonderful, energetic, open Connections now and Opportunities for Ascension. Ascension of the Mind, the Soul, the Body will also change, it will become healthier and some might even lose a visible amount of Weight and feel light and great about yourself and your Body.

Some of you, will be called and have already been called to channel for us, to grow spiritually or share yourself in a spiritual way. These decisions are taken by God, no matter from which perspective you finally want to look at it. All of the Arrangement of the Universe, the work we came about to do, the Life you came about to live right now, ALL OF WHAT YOU COULD POSSIBLY EVER PERCEIVE- is under God's Control. This is the major Reason, why we NEVER INTERFERE WITH FREE WILL or try to force Healing or Change or another Direction in Path onto ANYONE OR ANYBODY. We LOVE and RESPECT God.

It is taken serious, out of our and God's deep Love for you, when anyone tries to hurt your Free Will or interfere in your Spirit. And unfortunately, these types of actions might increase during 2012- for this is the final Time Frame in which the "Rests of Darkness" are being DIS-POWERED and NEUTRALIZED. The effect is already and will be increasingly, that the Dark Souls have no "Ground to stand on" and the channel will be completely open- RE-CONNECTING Heaven and Earth.

Anyone, who wants to ascend, YOU ARE AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN WELCOME!
Anyone, who wants to fall into the Abyss- WE RESPECT YOUR FREE WILL.

I A.M. Archangel Michael, and I AM TRUTH. I AM PROTECTION, and everything is going according to Plan. Don't let anyone talk or "attack" you out of what you believe in- stay true to yourself and stick to WHAT YOU KNOW.

Truth always comes in the purest form, through private and direct Communication with us, the Archangels, your Guardian Angel, or even God. I am here only to show you the Way, and I can protect you on that Walk- BUT YOU HAVE TO WALK IT and when someone attacks you in any way as we are cleansing and soothing the Energies in your Dimension and directing this Ascension- DO NOT HESITATE TO STAND UP FOR YOURSELF and SHOW STRONG, IRON WILL.





I really want to stress the last Mantra, which you can adjust personally in your Mind and Language however you feel like, for example:

I BELIEVE IN MYSELF - I AM LOVED - I AM HEALTHY -whatever Mantra you need at the Moment, you are free to be creative and follow your Heart.

Then repeat this Mantra, 7 times in a row, take a break, breathe deep and well, then repeat again 7 times.
On a special Note, I would like to mention something additional that I deeply care about, for I care about Humanity, every single Soul.

Some Souls out there, are committing wrong toward others, sometimes physical, sometimes verbal and then even sadly sometimes spiritual. The spiritual wrong toward another's soul, is the worst thing you can do, especially as everyone is healing now, if you do this, it is like:

Someone is dressed nice, waiting to board a lovely ship, the ship of Ascension, and the ship is only here for a special Time. Now imagine, all other People are also standing there, in beautiful colors and with sun hats, laughing and excited about the journey.

Suddenly, someone comes out of the Crowd, walks angry toward another standing there relaxed and attacks this person, a fist here and there, couple kicks on the ground, as the victim laying down and hurting is watching the others happily board the ship.

Be aware of what you do onto others- for it will be experienced by you in reality. Physical Life's Journey is very short, compared to all that is still coming, don't mess up your eternal life for something which is a learning phase. Be kind to others, and when you hurt someone, apologize, it is as simple as that.
YOU ARE ALLOWED to make mistakes, and we value Patience and Love more than anything. And after a mistake, you go and say a little sorry, and this s basically a general and simplified example of how easy it is to balance most of the time, things out.

But let me be clear, as I, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, always AM:

If, as in the example mentioned, you go attack in such ways as mentioned, any innocent Soul ascending now, or healing for themselves with their own Path's and Soul's Journeys, Identities and so forth, you will MISS THE SHIP OF ASCENSION, symbolically speaking, and the Victim will be pulled up magically by us, being given a special comforting place on the Ship.

I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, and I bring you TRUTH, LOVE and JUSTICE for the Planet.

This Text can be shared or distributed with Credit to Susan Elsa & Archangel Michael for the channeled work.

Archangel Michael about the Soul- 16th January 2012

Dear beloved Souls of the wonder-full Creator

I A.M. Archangel Michael. Many of you seem sometimes to have completely forgotten who I AM, or who God even is. When I say these words, I do not mean to say, you don't have a connection, you do. But the closeness we once had, when Societies on Earth were more spiritual, became in the Dark Ages more distant. If you want to talk about THE FALL, it would be a Fall in Dimensions, bringing you to 3D and some Individuals even lower than than.

All of this happened, because of YOUR FREE WILL. God, in Truth, does not ever harm any Soul, nor does God or any of us, FORCE any Soul to ANYTHING. This is what free Will means, and this is the real Power you have and always will have.

I would like to speak of something very essential to you today, YOUR WHOLE BEING, how it functions, what happens exactly when dealing with the two opposing Energies of Duality.

In your memory, stored spiritually as well as physically, you have many Layers of Bodies in your Soul. Your physical Existence is only a tiny Part of the WHOLE. You within yourself are a whole World and a whole Universe in itself. It doesn't really matter, what others around you might be doing, feeling or going through, all that is important FOR YOU IS YOU.

Interactions with other living Beings on your earthly Journey is an opportunity to help each other grow, look at situations and challenges in a different perspective, romantic partners come into your life to assist you in learning how to LOVE, and that includes TO LOVE YOURSELF.

If you imagine, how much is still out there for your to live, discover, and BE, how small seems then your physical Part? And when I say physical, I mean the way you KNOW physicality, for all manifested Creations are physical, just in different forms.

It is part of the journey of free will and learning it's consequences freely for yourself, without any force or interference. We cannot even get into your mind or energy field, if you push us away, or God. But even in the worst circumstances, if you are OPEN, if you ALLOW God to help and give you Love, it arrives faster than you expect. And it feels GOOD, very good, to connect with others with LOVE, once you experienced it in a deeper way and got comfortable again and found back to TRUSTING.

Some of you, go through ups and downs right now, due to the Changes happening in the Dimensions around you now. Earth is being pulled back up toward Heaven, and we ALL ARE AUTOMATICALLY GETTING CLOSER AGAIN. God is reaching out for you, and forgives you, but can YOU forgive yourself? Can you let go and accept TO BE LOVED and know you deserve it?

This is truly what held many Souls back from ascending higher and higher, even during the physical Earth Life time, nobody ever said you need to pass in order to ascend!

What we are slowly focusing on now, is the next part of YOU, which is your ethereal/astral Layer. It is visually very similar to Chicken Eggs, like an Egg Shell Layer of Light around your physical Body. This is a more fine-tuned and sensitive Body, compared to your physical, and a very important one to keep strong.
When you say something hurtful or harsh, accompanied always by the equaling energies on topp, to someone else, you not only reach the physical ears, eyes or intellect of the person. If you could see it, it would look like an arrow, being shot into the other's protective aura layer. For the person "energetically stabbed" or "pinched", it can have many effects, including on the emotional condition. Sometimes, it influences another not in a conscious way or heavy way, but one feels tired and "sucked out" suddenly, which is a sign that the Layer has a hole. Usually it heals very fast and we are always at your Service to protect you from any attacks from another, in any way.

But since everything IS ONE and CONNECTED, above and below, on Earth and in Heaven, whatever you do here, does not only come back to you, it is already INSIDE OF YOU, which is why YOU took such action. As mentioned before, YOU ARE YOUR WORLD. It doesn't change anything to get angry at another, or distract yourself from your World within with another's Mission and Issues. And when I say this, it definitely does not mean that I, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, or any Archangel of God, nor even God himself would ever take revenge on you, nor actively DO ANYTHING.

These are Universal Rules, created by God long before the form of Life you even know, and they are a Foundation of the whole Creation and Existence and we all go by these Rules, Archangels and Humans. And one of the first "Rules" God created like a System in the Universe is: WHAT YOU DO ONTO OTHERS, YOU REALLY DO TO YOURSELF.

So, whenever anyone "falls" or gets "punished" in some Way, even after physical Death, it is nothing WE DO. It is YOUR FREE CHOICE, accumulated by all you do right this Moment, this Time, that was given to you for a short period. In fact, all we try, is to keep helping and assisting and fighting for your LOVE.
Dear beloved Souls, trust in God a little bit more, only once, try it with all your Heart, and understand that YOU GOT ALL THE POWER YOU EVER WANTED ALREADY. You chose your own Life, your own Path, your own Heaven or Hell.

Do not hesitate to reach out to me or any of my fellow, dear Archangels, and of course and above all, the Creator himself. I am always on your side, and I will keep fighting for you and never get tired of it, for I LOVE YOU.


This Text can be distributed and shared with Credit to Susan Elsa & Archangel Michael for the channeled Work.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

IsIs channels Michael Jackson: Message to all Women of the World

Susan Elsa in her first Short Film, acting, directing and dancing her Heart out. All the Ancient Egyptian Clothes have been designed by her. The Song was released on 29th August 2011 and is being distributed right now- produced by the Big Heart U.K. This is a raw edited Trailer of the coming Short Music Film on 9/9/2011- a tiny Insight. Independent and honest, Susan Elsa is calling all the Women of the World. All the Film has been made by Intuition, no scripting or faking.

For more Info please visit our Karma Free Label at

The Michael Jackson "Feminine Side" Dance Scenes have mostly been channeled on purpose on the 29th August 2011. No training, no choreo, only intuitive physical channeling by pure Twin Soul connection.

This video has only been an experiment and is Susan's second Short Film yet, after "Nextdoor Witch-Friend or Foe"  (2007 Los Angeles Student Film Festival). Soon her Film Directing Big debut is coming, she takes her time to perfection the coming production for you!


Image Info:  Susan Elsa traveling through Egypt (Nov. 2010) and recording/channeling her Debut Album
"I REMEMBER" by Susan Elsa, Published  Dec 21st 2012

Note: Look closely at the spirit holding her from behind showing/manifesting his chin/lips very clearly on a normal digital camera at the original Nefertiti Temple in Abu Simbel near Aswan/Egypt. (Remember the time?)